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Museum Detox Coronavirus Emergency Fund

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

During these unprecedented times Museum Detox is focused on supporting members experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus crisis.

A recent survey of our members has highlighted the economic challenges many in our network are experiencing during the current crisis.

“My main concern is going to be paying my rent and bills and not really building any career for the next year or so” - Anonymous

Detoxers on precarious, fixed-term, self-employed and  zero-hour contracts as well as those with caring responsibilities have been particularly impacted by the pandemic.

In response to this situation we are offering  £150 of hardship funding to members of the network who are experiencing financial hardship at this time.  Applications will be prioritised according to need, please email to apply.

Due to generous donations from both allies and members of Museum Detox  we can offer funding to 8 people, however the more we raise the more people we can support.  So please give generously.

People of colour are underrepresented in the museum workforce, are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus; and are less likely to have the protection of permanent contracts, often afforded to those in specialist and managerial roles.

This fundraiser has been set up by Charlotte Holmes on behalf of the Museum Detox Volunteer Executive Committee.  All monies raised will go direct to members in need. We have been inspired by West Midlands Artists Coronavirus Emergency Fund, UKQTIBIPOC Emergency Relief & Hardship Fund, and the Museum freelancers coronavirus fund.

Further details on the Museum Detox Coronavirus Emergency Fund donations/applications to can be found here.

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